Radon Fundamentals
Radon Fundamentals
The Radon Fundamentals course provides tribes with an introduction to the mechanics of radon, examples of how tribes are addressing radon, and possible funding opportunities. This course does not provide radon certification.
The presentations in this course were originally developed as webinars in February and March 2016 in collaboration with US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9 Tribal Indoor Air Quality and Health Network and staff from Spokane Tribe Department of Natural Resources, Navajo Nation EPA, Taos Pueblo Tribal Housing Office, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This online course is equivalent to 0.7 continuing education units (CEUs) and requires approximately seven hours of total learning time. CEUs are earned by completing the following course modules; course content is also available on-demand for the casual learner:
- Introduction to Radon
- Testing for Radon
- How Tribes are Addressing Radon
- Radon Funding
After completing this online course, participants will be able to:
- Explain what radon is.
- Describe the potential health effects of exposure to radon.
- Describe how radon enters a home.
- Recognize which radon mitigation systems are effective for different types of building structures.
- Locate different types of testing devices available for testing indoor radon levels.
- Locate additional training that will enable tribal staff to become certified in radon testing and mitigate radon.
- Initiate the development of a tribal radon program.
- Locate funding sources for radon testing and mitigation.
Presenters Include:
- Mansel Nelson, Senior Program Coordinator, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
- Nolan Hoskie, Radon Specialist, Navajo Nation EPA
- Twa-le Abrahamson-Swan, Air Quality Program Manager, Spokane Tribe
- Terron Chischilly, Radon Specialist, Navajo Nation EPA
- Ryder Freed, Air Radiation Program Coordinator, US EPA Region 9
- Jed Harrison, Former Director of the EPA Radiation and Indoor Environments National Lab and Former Sr. Tribal Advisor for the EPA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
- Daniel V. Suazo, Construction Projects Manager, Tribal Housing Office, Taos Pueblo
- Sarah Olsen, Grants Management, US Department of HUD
- Rich Seifert, Professor Emeritus, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Online platform technical support: itep-elearning@nau.edu
Below is a preview of the course content. Log in to your account and enroll to access the material.
Course Content
Course Navigation Instructions
Video: Presenter Introductions
Introduce Yourself Here
News forum
Radon Resource Links
EPA's Basic Radon Facts 2013
EPA’s Home Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radon 2013
Tribal Indoor Air Funding Directory (THHN)
1.1 Assignment 1: Introduction to Radon Reading and Listening Guide
1.2 Reading: EPA’s A Citizen’s Guide to Radon
1.3 Video: Radon Characteristics and Health Impacts
*Optional Video: Radon's Radioactive Heavy Metals (3:39 min)
1.4 Video: Introduction to Radon Mitigation
*Optional Video: Radon Mitigation in Alaska
1.5 Quiz: Introduction to Radon
2.1 Assignment 2: Testing for Radon Reading and Listening Guide
2.2 Reading: EPA's A Citizen's Guide to Radon
2.3 Video: Radon Measurement Devices
2.4 Activity and Discussion: Free Radon Test Kit for Federally Recognized Tribes - Test Your Own Home
Optional Activity and Discussion: Purchase Radon Tests to Test Two Additional Homes
2.5 Video: Radon Certification
2.6 Activity and Discussion: State Radon Resources and Requirements
2.7 Quiz: Radon Testing and Certification
3.1 Video: Planning Mitigation in Tribal Communities
3.2 Video: Navajo Nation Case Study - Radon Testing
3.3 Video: Taos Pueblo Radon Mitigation Pilot Program
*Optional Video: Do-It-Yourself Radon Mitigation Program (1:52:27 min)
3.4 Activity and Discussion: Initiating Partnerships and Identifying Funding Sources
4.1 Video: Federal Radon Funding
BIA Housing Improvement Program
4.2 Video: HUD Funding for Radon Mitigation
4.3 Activity and Discussion: Identifying Funding Sources
4.4 Quiz: Radon Funding
Reflective Writing: Radon Fundamentals
Radon Fundamentals Final Exam
Radon Fundamentals Evaluation
Questions or comments about the course?
Certificate of Completion: Radon Fundamentals